Job Seeker Signup - TexasComputerJobs.com

Job Seeker FREE Account Signup!

Fill out the form below to get your free account on TexasComputerJobs! Please enter true and accurate information. You are not required to post an online resume, but many companies post only a small percentage of their jobs online, relying instead on resume databases.

USER ID for using the system will be your FULL E-MAIL ADDRESS. Fields in dark blue are required fields.

First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Zip or Postal Code
Daytime Phone
Home Phone
Pager or Cell Number
Email Address
NEW Primary Skillset(s)
(You must select at least one, with
the first being the most important)

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Why get an account?

A FREE account on TexasComputerJobs allows you to search through our comprehensive job bank, and opens you up to a whole list of features you will find useful.

You can complete an online resumé, which aids companies in searching for particular types of job candidates, and you can also upload a copy of your MS Word, Text, or other soft-copy resumé.

You can take advantage of features such as AutoMatch and AutoMail, which will send you new job listings with matching criteria to your resumé.

Companies also use our AutoMail feature to obtain listings of new resumés that match their job descriptions.

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